A Better Way To Heal
Holistic healing from a pharmacist's perspective. Tips and Motivation for your nutrition, mindset and overall health.
A Better Way To Heal
007: Growing a Health Business Online
Dr. Rachel Gregg
Season 2
Episode 7
It's a digital world, right?
I feel privileged to be able to work from home and to do something I love to do, and I am so inspired by others who choose to do the same!
Right now, being a business owner is harder than ever and as business owners, we have to adapt to the times.
In this episode, I'm chatting with my good friend, Shannon Boyle about how she has grown her health coaching business online!
Mom of 4, certified health coach, Reiki master and social media network marketer, she helps health coaches create an online practice using network marketing and social media strategies.
Join us as we talk about business, social media, and life!