A Better Way To Heal

018: Sleep Deprivation is Toxic

Dr. Rachel Gregg Season 1 Episode 18

Do you struggle with sleep? 

Me too. It's been an issue for me for a long time.

Did you know that when you sleep less, your body actually has less time to detox?

Chronic sleep deprivation looks like...⁠
❌Difficulty staying on task.⁠
❌Lack of ability to focus in monotonous situations on repetitive tasks.⁠
❌Falling asleep in school or during meetings at work.⁠
❌Difficulty learning.⁠
❌Mood changes like anxiety, depression or paranoia.⁠
❌Decreased alertness while driving or operating dangerous machines.⁠

Did you know that when we don't get enough sleep it can cause SERIOUS medical issues in our bodies?⁠

Yup. Things as serious as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure or stroke.⁠😲⁠

Research also links lack of sleep to an increase of the stress hormone cortisol in the body!⁠

A few tips to try to get that all important sleep in:⁠
🌱Wake up at the same time every morning⁠
🌿Avoid Naps⁠
🌱Say NO to caffeinated beverages, nicotine and even some medications⁠

Time to say NO to the hustle or die mentality and put sleep back on our list of priorities.

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