A Better Way To Heal
A Better Way To Heal
017: Migraines Don't Have to Be Your Life
Do you suffer from debilitating migraines? 😣
The guest on my show @healthyguthealthymind spoke today on living with migraines for over 30 years.
She lived life in a fog for the better part of her life.
Cold washcloths.
Constant nausea.
Closed drapes.
Debilitating life for her family.
Cocktails of over the counter meds.
👉🏻We talked about the transformation that took place in her life and the life of her family, when her daughter was diagnosed with ADHD and they decided to embark on a journey towards gut health a year ago.
Her daughter showed all the same symptoms as her mom, and Michelle cried, thinking: "I gave them to her!"
This journey was to improve her daughter's health, but it turned out to be life changing for their entire family.
She never thought her life would change, but it did.
💫 Michelle has been migraine-free for the last year.
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